Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Diamondback 2013 Tess Junior Mountain Bike with 20-Inch Wheels (Purple, 20-Inch/Girls) by Diamondback

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Diamondback 2013 Tess Junior Mountain Bike with 20-Inch Wheels  (Purple, 20-Inch/Girls)

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Diamondback 2013 Tess Junior Mountain Bike with 20-Inch Wheels  (Purple, 20-Inch/Girls)
List Price : $220.00

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The Tess 20 is the perfect bike for the next step in a girl's riding progression. The heavy duty steel frame can take some scuffs and dings while the 40mm suspension fork makes the bumps a little softer. The 6 speed twist shifter is a great way to introduce a girl to shifting without causing too much confusion and the linear pull brakes are a great way get her used to braking with her hands instead of feet. When your little lady is ready for her next bike try a Tess 20.


  • Heavy Duty Steel Frame
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Monday, April 29, 2013

The Finish of Pompeii and Herculaneum (August 24-25, A.D. 79) Part 3 of three

As the eruption grew more violent, the earthquakes grew stronger as written by Pliny the Younger: “But that night the shaking grew much stronger; people thought it was an upheaval, not just a tremor. My mother burst into my room and I got up. I said she should rest, and I would rouse her (sc. if need be). We sat out on a small terrace between the house and the sea. I sent for a volume of Livy (Titius Livius (59 B.C.-A.D. 17)); I read and even took notes from where I had left off, as if it were a moment of free time; I hardly know whether to call it bravery, or foolhardiness (I was seventeen at the time). Up comes a friend of my uncle's, recently arrived from Spain. When he sees my mother and me sitting there, and me even reading a book, he scolds her for her calm and me for my lack of concern. But I kept on with my book.”[45]

Yet despite the terror in Pompeii and Stabiae, Herculaneum remained relatively unscathed. The town, being “upwind” of the volcano was coated only in a light layer of ash – 8 inches compared to the 12 feet that covered Pompeii.[46] However things were soon to be different as the old day ended and the new day dawned. At about 11:30 PM the situation began to change “when the lower levels of [Vesuvius’] subterranean magma chamber, the gas-rich, volatile material that had sustained the eruption cloud”[47] were reaching the point of depletion, which occurred about one-and-a-half hours later.

By midnight, the volcanic cloud “reached almost 19 miles into the sky, [as the volcano was ejecting 150,000 tons of lapilli and ash per second][48] and torrents of lava [began to pour down] Vesuvius[49] [as magma violently tore rocks away from the side of the vent, creating a wide ‘caldera’].”[50] “Then came a smell of sulfur, announcing the flames…”[51] “It grew lighter, though that seemed not a return of day, but a sign that the fire was approaching. The fire itself actually stopped some distance away, but darkness and ashes came again, a great weight of them. We stood up and shook the ash off again and again, otherwise we would have been covered with it and crushed by the weight. I might boast that no groan escaped me in such perils, no cowardly word, but that I believed that I was perishing with the world, and the world with me, which was a great consolation for death.”[52] Back where Pliny the Elder was, “…the flames themselves, [while] sending others into flight… [revived] him. Supported by two small slaves he stood up, and immediately collapsed. As I understand it, his breathing was obstructed by the dust-laden air, and his innards, which were never strong and often blocked or upset, simply shut down,” Pliny the Younger wrote.[53]

Lapilli and ash poured down at a rate of about 6 inches per hour. Everywhere southeast of the volcano was covered in volcanic debris driven by the strong northwest winds. Roofs collapsed killing people sheltering indoors. Others fleeing through the streets were “struck down by rocks, [tephra], falling tiles [and slates] or collapsing masonry”[54] while still others, standing on the shores of the Bay of Naples desperately tried to protect themselves with their hands, cloaks, and other makeshift shields as “a group of priests… abandoned their… meal of fish and eggs…; some were struck down when a portico collapsed on top of them, while most others were asphyxiated in a building where they sought shelter.”[55] Some screamed in terror as they attempted to flee the deadly storm of falling tephra, rocks, and ash while the injured writhed in pain. With all hope lost, a mother made a feeble attempt to protect her child with her body. It was to no avail.

An hour later, at 1:00 AM on August 25, the top of Vesuvius was “blown off”[56] in a violent explosion. The “volcanic column” quickly collapsed “in an avalanche of boiling gases, pumice and rocks”[57] sending a lethal 900°F pyrrhic cloud (nuée ardente) into Herculaneum, the first of six surges to strike the town, killing all remaining inhabitants, almost all of whom were alive up to this point. It killed adults, some still clutching money, jewelry and other valuables, along with children and babies, and the gladiators who had been training at the amphitheater, within a fraction of a second. About 80 people cowered in a dozen beachfront chambers and storerooms and close to 300 hid under the vaulted archways of the town’s “public baths overlooking the sea”[58] – children tightly clutching their parents and brothers and sisters holding tightly onto each other, fearful of the molten lava and boiling mud that was pouring out from Vesuvius.

Elsewhere on a beach just outside of Herculaneum, Lupercus Augusti, an imperial slave, clutched a bronze seal with his name and status, as he stood among a number of people including a Roman soldier dressed in armor, a young man whose arm was draped around his girlfriend to comfort her, aristocratic women wearing their jewelry, people lying on the sand to get a few moments of sleep, and small clustered groups of people in discussion as they watched the “torrents of hot mud [that] were spewing out of Mt. Vesuvius.”[59] All were “killed instantly by thermal shock” without time to “display… self-protective reaction or agony contortions [or] any reaction” to their impending deaths.[60] Some were sent flying into a tangled, heap of bodies from the force of the pyrrhic cloud. “Even people sheltered from the direct impact” perished.[61] Within seconds a pyroclastic flow of glowing lava, rock, and ash covered the resort town.

Additional surges followed from 1:00 AM-6:00 AM with a second pyrrhic cloud hitting Herculaneum at 2:00 AM, and a third at 5:30 AM, after deflecting off the walls built to protect Pompeii from a military attack. An hour later, a small pyrrhic cloud reached Pompeii, “asphyxiating many who “breathed in [its] hot gas and incandescent ash.”[62] Among the victims was dog that had been “chained to a post and struggled for hours, ‘scrabbling upward as stones filled [the area]’ before succumbing… – ‘suffocating when it reached the end of its leash’”[63] and another dog that merely curled up and fell into an eternal sleep with little sign of suffering. Just north of Pompeii, a slave whose flight was hindered by a chain clamped to his leg and another person who likely tried to assist, also perished, overcome by the volcano’s “ash and toxic gases” as they progressed up a dirt road.[64] It was followed by several large earthquakes. By this time, “about [8 feet] of hot ash lay in the [town’s] streets.[65] It was the start of the volcano’s deadliest phase as “heavier magma from deeper down made its way to the surface.”[66]

As Vesuvius entered its deadliest phase, a group of 13 Pompeiians who had been hunkered down for the last 12 hours in a small portico that had been converted into a wine cellar, decided to attempt an escape when they noticed that it was becoming difficult to breathe. Initially, the group, which among them, included a pregnant woman and a young boy, had decided to ride out the eruption in this shelter, nicknamed, “The House of the Fugitives.”[67] While a rich person brought a meticulously packed wicker basket of silver dinnerware, others brought items for survival – amphorae (two-handled jugs) of water, ceramic lamps, and walnuts.

As they climbed the stairs, proceeding in a single file, the group came upon an endless wall of ash. Upon discovering that their shelter had been completely buried, they faced two choices – return to the wine cellar and suffocate slowly or take a chance to reach fresh air. The task though was impossible. As they held their breaths and struggled and groped their way up the stairs, they collapsed “one after the other”[68] and suffocated in the opaque endless wall of volcanic ash. Out of the group, only one person made it close to the roof – but he too, collapsed and died without reaching fresh air.

It was about this time that the people of Misenum decided to flee. With the earthquakes growing more violent, everyone decided to leave as recorded by the teenaged witness: “Now the day begins, with a still hesitant and almost lazy dawn. All around us buildings are shaken. We are in the open, but it is only a small area and we are afraid, nay certain, that there will be a collapse. We decided to leave the town finally; a dazed crowd follows us, preferring our plan to their own (this is what passes for wisdom in a panic). Their numbers are so large that they slow our departure, and then sweep us along. We stopped once we had left the buildings behind us.”[69]

Then at 7:30 AM, a huge intense pyroclastic surge ranging from 750°F-1475°F blasted through Pompeii’s walls “like a red-hot sandstorm… [that swept away] the nine-foot thickness of pumice that had previously fallen.”[70] It rolled into Pompeii instantly extinguishing all remaining life, among them a man who was resigned to his fate and “seemed to be sleeping, his head resting peacefully on his forearm [with] his eyes closed, [others with ‘agonized facial expressions’],[71] [the high-class prostitute], a beggar [who] lay beside the sack in which he had been collecting alms; on his feet were a pair of incongruously elegant sandals, no doubt a gift from some wealthy benefactor, a servant… as he [tried to lead] a mother and her two sons toward safety; in his hand was the bag in which he had salvaged provisions from the wreckage of the household, [an] individual [who] had sought refuge by climbing a tree… with the snapped branch to which he had been clinging still firmly gripped between his legs, and a “determined individual [who] had tried to fight his way out; he used an axe to cut his way successively through [a] building’s partition walls, only to meet his fate when he came up against an impenetrable barrier of lava,”[72] and a family of 12 who had sat in the darkness of their house hearing the “groans of the dying and shrieks of the terrified, noises from the mountain, [and] the sound of roofs collapsing” after their initial attempt to escape through the falling lapilli had failed.[73] It was quickly followed by “a pyroclastic flow of gas, ash, and rock” that took about 6 minutes to reach the town from the lip of Vesuvius’ crater as it “rolled, hugging the ground.” “Walls were thrown down, columns toppled, [tops of houses were sheared off], tiles shot… [through] the streets [and] …wooden timbers, doors and shutters [were carbonized].”[74] This surge was followed by subsequent surges throughout the day that also left “Stabiae and Oplontis buried in ash and pumice.”[75] By 8:00 AM Herculaneum and Pompeii lay in deathly silence. Herculaneum was buried under 65 feet of pyroclastic deposits, Stabiae under between 9-20 feet of ash and pumice, and Pompeii under 9 feet of pumice, another 6-10 feet of pyroclastic deposits, and about 21 feet of ash.

“…it buried two entire cities, Herculaneum and Pompeii; the latter place while its populace was seated in the theatre. Indeed, the amount of dust, taken all together, was so great that some of it reached Africa and Syria and Egypt, and it also reached Rome, filling the air overhead and darkening the sun. There, too, no little fear was occasioned, that lasted for several days, since the people did not know and could not imagine what had happened, but, like those close at hand, believed that the whole world was being turned upside down, that the sun was disappearing into the earth and that the earth was being lifted to the sky,” Dio Cassius wrote,[76] while Roman Poet Marcus Valerius Martialis (c. A.D. 40-A.D. 104) wrote in Epigram 4:44 in A.D. 91, “Observe Vesuvius. Not long ago it was covered with the grapevine’s green shade, and a famous grape wet, nay drowned the vats here. Bacchus loved the shoulders of this mountain more than the hills of Nysa [his birthplace], satyrs used to join their dances here. Here was a haunt of Venus, more pleasant than Lacedaemon to her, here was a place where Hercules left his name. It all lies buried by flames and mournful ash. Even the gods regret that their powers extended to this.”[77]

Furthermore, “as the discharge of magma cracked and collapsed the rocks overlying [the volcano’s] emptied chambers… shocks rippled across the bay. The sea was sucked back and hurled at the beaches in seismic [tsunamis].”[78] “Strange things” began to happen, Pliny the Younger wrote. “Many strange things happened to us there, and we had much to fear. The carts that we had ordered brought were moving in opposite directions, though the ground was perfectly flat, and they wouldn't stay in place even with their wheels blocked by stones. In addition, it seemed as though the sea was being sucked backwards, as if it were being pushed back by the shaking of the land. Certainly the shoreline moved outwards, and many sea creatures were left on dry sand. Behind us were frightening dark clouds, rent by lightning twisted and hurled, opening to reveal huge figures of flame. These were like lightning, but bigger. At that point the Spanish friend urged us strongly: ‘If your brother and uncle is alive, he wants you to be safe. If he has perished, he wanted you to survive him. So why are you reluctant to escape?’ We responded that we would not look to our own safety as long as we were uncertain about his. Waiting no longer, he took himself off from the danger at a mad pace. It wasn't long thereafter that the cloud stretched down to the ground and covered the sea. It girdled Capri and made it vanish, it hid Misenum's promontory. Then my mother began to beg and urge and order me to flee however I might, saying that a young man could make it, that she, weighed down in years and body, would die happy if she escaped being the cause of my death. I replied that I wouldn't save myself without her, and then I took her hand and made her walk a little faster. She obeyed with difficulty, and blamed herself for delaying me.

Now came the dust, though still thinly. I look back: a dense cloud looms behind us, following us like a flood poured across the land. ‘Let us turn aside while we can still see, lest we be knocked over in the street and crushed by the crowd of our companions.’ We had scarcely sat down when a darkness came that was not like a moonless or cloudy night, but more like the black of closed and unlighted rooms. You could hear women lamenting, children crying, men shouting. Some were calling for parents, others for children or spouses; they could only recognize them by their voices. Some bemoaned their own lot, others that of their near and dear. There were some so afraid of death that they prayed for death. Many raised their hands to the gods, and even more believed that there were no gods any longer and that this was one last unending night for the world. Nor were we without people who magnified real dangers with fictitious horrors. Some announced that one or another part of Misenum had collapsed or burned; lies, but they found believers.”[79]

Subsequently, when the eruption ended and the dark volcanic cloud began to dissipate at about 1:00 PM, Pliny the Younger wrote, “At last the cloud thinned out and dwindled to no more than smoke or fog. Soon there was real daylight. The sun was even shining, though with the lurid glow it has after an eclipse. The sight that met our still terrified eyes was a changed world, buried in ash like snow. We returned to Misenum and took care of our bodily needs, but spent the night dangling between hope and fear. Fear was the stronger, for the earth was still quaking and a number of people who had gone mad were mocking the evils that had happened to them and others with terrifying prognostications. We still refused to go until we heard news of my uncle, although we had felt danger and expected more.”[80] Two days later, they had their answer – “When daylight came [with ash and pumice covering 186 sq. miles of land around the volcano, having transformed the entire Sarnus Valley] … his body was found untouched, unharmed, in the clothing that he had had on. He looked more asleep than dead”[81] as did all of Pompeii and Herculaneum, when they were unearthed nearly 1700 years later.

“I sing these words to you… on the Cumaean shore where Vesuvius sends up a broken anger, upwhirling fires emulous of Etna. In a future generation, when crops spring up again, when this wasteland regains its green, will men believe that cities lie beneath?” Publius Statius asked in Book IV, Chapter IV of Silvae.[82] In the words of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 121-A.D. 180), Pompeii and Herculaneum were “entirely dead,”[83] abandoned and forgotten. Yet artifacts such as paintings, frescoes, and cavities where victims had perished and decayed in the ash, remained intact providing proof that at one time these towns were full of breath and life.


[45]Pliny Letter 6.20. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/02.html

[46]Joan Jahnige. Eruption of Vesuvius. January 2004. 30 April, 2006. http://www.dl.ket.org/latin3/historia/places/vesuvius/eruptions.htm

[47]Bonnie S. Lawrence, Project Editor. Restless Earth. (Washington, D.C.: The National Geographic Society, 1997), p. 192.

[48]AD 79 – Vesuvius explodes. 5 of May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/cwa/issues/cwa4/pompeii/eruption.htm

[49]Rosella Lorenzi. The Long, Deathly Silence. 2 May, 2006. http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/pompeii/history/history.html [50]AD 79 – Vesuvius explodes. 5 of May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/cwa/issues/cwa4/pompeii/eruption.htm

[51]Pliny Letter 6.16. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/01.html

[52]Pliny Letter 6.20. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/02.html

[53]Pliny Letter 6.16. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/01.html

[54]AD 79 – Vesuvius explodes. 5 of May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/cwa/issues/cwa4/pompeii/eruption.htm

[55]Tony Allan. Secrets Of The Ancient Dead. (London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2004), p. 92.

[56]Mount Vesuvius. Encarta.com. 2006. 2 May, 2006. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761564987/Vesuvius.html

[57]Joan Jahnige. Eruption of Vesuvius. January 2004. 30 April, 2006. http://www.dl.ket.org/latin3/historia/places/vesuvius/eruptions.htm

[58]Nigel Cawthorne. 100 Catastrophic Disasters. (New York: Barnes & Noble Publishing, Inc., 2003) 152.

[59]Rosella Lorenzi. The Long, Deathly Silence. 2 May, 2006. http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/pompeii/history/history.html

[60]Rosella Lorenzi. The Long, Deathly Silence. 2 May, 2006. http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/pompeii/history/history.html

[61]Helen Briggs. Vesuvius victims ‘died instantly.’ BBC.com. April 11, 2001. 2 May, 2006. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1272171.stm

[62]AD 79 – Vesuvius explodes. 5 of May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/cwa/issues/cwa4/pompeii/eruption.htm

[63]Vesuvius, Italy. 5 May, 2006. [http://volcano.und.edu/vwdocs/volc_images/img_vesuvius.html]

[64]Jason Urbanus. More Vesuvius Victims. Newsbriefs March/April 2003. 5 May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.org/0303/newsbriefs/pompeii.html


[66]AD 79 – Vesuvius explodes. 5 of May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/cwa/issues/cwa4/pompeii/eruption.htm

[67]Mr. Sedivy. Historical Background: The Ancient City of Pompeii. Highlands Ranch High School (Highlands Ranch, Colorado) 8 May, 2006. http://mr_sedivy.tripod.com/pompeii.html

[68]Regio I Garden of Fugitives. 8 May, 2006. http://www.pompeisepolta.com/english/fuggiaschi.htm

[69]Pliny Letter 6.20. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/02.html

[70]Bonnie S. Lawrence, Project Editor. Restless Earth. (Washington, D.C.: The National Geographic Society, 1997), p. 192.

[71]Bonnie S. Lawrence, Project Editor. Restless Earth. (Washington, D.C.: The National Geographic Society, 1997), p. 192.

[72]Tony Allan. Secrets Of The Ancient Dead. (London: Duncan Baird Publishers, 2004), p. 92.

[73]Rosella Lorenzi. The Long, Deathly Silence. 2 May, 2006. http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/pompeii/history/history.html

[74]AD 79 – Vesuvius explodes. 5 of May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/cwa/issues/cwa4/pompeii/eruption.htm

[75]Joan Jahnige. Eruption of Vesuvius. January 2004. 30 April, 2006. http://www.dl.ket.org/latin3/historia/places/vesuvius/eruptions.htm

[76]Dio Cassius. The Eruption of Vesuvius that buried Pompei, “Roman History Epitome of Book LXVI” (A.D. 203) 2 May, 2006. [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Cassius_Dio/66]*.html

[77]Marcus Valerius Martialis. Epigram 4 :44. A.D. 91. 4 May, 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/04.html

[78]AD 79 – Vesuvius explodes. 5 of May, 2006. http://www.archaeology.co.uk/cwa/issues/cwa4/pompeii/eruption.htm

[79]Pliny Letter 6.20. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/02.html

[80]Pliny Letter 6.20. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/02.html

[81]Pliny Letter 6.16. 30 April 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/01.html

[82]Publius Papinius Statius. Silvae, Book IV Chapter IV “Epistula ad Vitorium Marcellum.” 1 May 2006. http://www.amherst.edu/~classics/DamonFiles/classics36/ancsrc/10.html

[83]Marcus Aurelius. The Meditations. A.D. 167. 4 May, 2006. http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~wldciv/world_civ_reader/world_civ_reader_1/aurelius.html

Saturday, April 27, 2013

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Moving to Denmark - Five Important Tips

Creating a nation to nation move isn't cheap and simple and Denmark is certainly not the exception. If you are considering moving Denmark, listed here are a five items to consider before moving to Denmark. They might  help you save some money, but more to the point they could save you lots of grief and aggravation.

First: Denmark has become very strict on their own immigration laws and regulations and it is essential that you receive all of your paperwork so as before you decide to get to Denmark.  Which includes using for the work and residence permits. You are able to remain in Denmark for 3 several weeks, but when you do not have your permits you'll have to leave.  It's simpler to obtain these documents before you decide to arrive.

Second: Denmark uses 220v/ 50Hz and also the plug is really a 2 round plug. The Television format is Friend. Don't bring your electrical home appliances along with you unless of course you simply love them a lot you cannot do without them. Should you choose make certain to purchase your converters home - they're insanely costly here. A lot of your gaming systems won't use the Danish system, check using the manufacturer to ascertain if they're compatible before you take them. Also your computer systems, apple ipods, cameras - anything that should billed up. Think converters!

Third: The Danes make use of the metric system, so take along your personal calculating cups, spoons, scales, etc as well as your cooking books.  You'll miss them should you choose any cooking or baking. Conversions may take all of the fun from cooking.

Which includes tape measures and rulers. I enjoy build however i MEASURE  in inches, ft and yards! Not centimeters ... gee how lengthy is 10 centimetres?

4th:  If you like reading through, It is best to stock on books to create along with you. Books in Denmark run about for any new paperback plus much more for any hardback. An alternative would be to shop online at places like Amazon . com, eBay, eBid for deals.

Fifth:  Leave your vehicle both at home and purchase a good bicycle. You will get bicycles here - boy are you able to locate them here! But costs are much greater. Particularly if you will also be searching for a leisure bike - racing, bikes, etc.. Getting a vehicle is much too pricey and completely unnecessary for most of us.

Monday, April 22, 2013

USA Senior High School Track &amplifier Area Records And Also The Current Best 2008 Performances

Performance leads to track and area are often understandable through timezones and cultures all over the world. Unlike words as well as their pronunciation in various languages, amounts need no explanation to know. It may also help the metric system of measurement for distances is dominate worldwide.

Track and area rivals all over the world are curious about evaluating their performances using the performances of sports athletes in other nations. Listed here are the present U . s . States senior high school track and area records through 2007 then the very best current performances by senior high school rivals in 2008:

USA Boys Senior High School Track and Area Records

100 Meters: 10.08 - 10.17 by Shaun Demps of South Lake Senior High School in Groveland (FL).

200 Meters: 20.13 - 20.80 by Markus Henderson of Lewisville (Texas) Senior High School.

400 Meters: 44.69 - 46.41 by Tavaris Tate of Starkville (MS).

800 Meters: 1:46.45 - 1:48.97 by Frederick Franklin of Godby in Tallahassee (FL).

1,500 Meters: 3:38.26 - 3:52:63 inside by Colby Lowe of Carroll in Southlake (Texas)

1,600 Meters: 3:53.43 record set at equivalent yards distance - 4:05.57 by German Fernandez of Riverbank (CA).

3,000 Meters: 8:03.67 - 8:16. by Luke Puskedra of Judge Memorial Catholic in Salt Lake City (UT).

3,200 Meters: 8:36.3 2-Mile) - 8:46.40 by Luke Puskedra of Judge Memorial Catholic.

5,000 Meters: 13:37.91 - 13:55.96 by Chris Derrick of Neuqua Valley in Naperville (IL) - (Derrick's time may be the USA record for any high-school-only race).

110-Meter High Hurdles: 13.22 record set at equivalent yards distance - 13.51 by Spencer Adams of Butler in Charlotte now (NC).

300-Meter Intermediate Hurdles: 35.28 - 36.28 by William Wynne of McEachern in Powder Springs (GA).

400-Meter Intermediate Hurdles: 49.38 - 50.46 by Reggie Wyatt of los angeles Sierra in Riverside (CA).

4x100-Meter Relay: 39.76 - 40.26 by Rowlett (Texas) Senior High School.

4x200-Meter Relay: 1:23.31 - 1:24.06 - Hightower in Sugar Land (Texas).

4x400-Meter Relay: 3:07.40 - 3:11.87 by Dominguez in Compton (CA).

4x800 Meter Relay: 7:32.89 - 7:44.39 by North Penn in Lansdale (PA).

Sprint Medley Relay: 3:21.one to three:26.16 by Mid-Prairie Community in Wellman (IA).

Distance Medley Relay: 9:49.78 - 10:02.47 by Carroll in Southlake (Texas).

High Jump: 7-7 - 7-3.75 inside by Eric Kynard of Rogers in Toledo (OH).

Pole Vault: 18-3 - 17-4.5 by Nico Weiler in Los Gatos (CA).

Lengthy Jump: 26-9.25 - 25-6.75 inside by Christian Taylor of Sandy Creek in Tyrone (GA).

Triple Jump: 54-10.25 - 52-4.75 by Will Claye of Mountain Pointe in Phoenix (AZ).

Shot Put: 81-3.5 - 70-6 by Jordan Clarke of Bartlett in Anchorage, AK.

Discus Throw: 234-3 - 222-1 by Mason Finley of Buena Vista (CO). (No. 3 all-time artist).

Hammer Throw: 255-11 - 244-8 by Trent Kraychir of Twentynine Palms (CA). (No. 3 all-time artist).

Javelin Throw: 241-11 - 223-8 by Kyle Cruz of Daphne (AL).

(Note: Leaders based on marks verified as wind legal in sprints, hurdles and horizontal jumps. Only fully automatic occasions are listed for sprints and hurdles.)

USA Women Senior High School Track and Area Records

100 Meters: 11.11 - 11.16 by Victoria Jordan of Dunbar Senior High School in Fort Worth (Texas).

200 Meters: 22.11 - 23.43 inside by Ashton Purvis of St. Elizabeth in Concord (CA).

400 Meters: 50.69 - 52.83 inside by Nadonnia Rodriques of Boys &lifier Women in Brooklyn (NY).

800 Meters: 2:00.07 - 2:03.20 by Chanelle Cost is Easton (PA).

1,500 Meters: 4:16.6 - 4:17.46 by Jordan Hasay of Mission Prep in San Luis Obispo (CA). (No. 7 all-time performance Hasay also offers no. 4 with no. 5 all-time performances run in 2007 and it is a menace to break the united states senior high school record.)

Mile: 4:35.24 - 4:41.22 by Stephanie Morgan of Barnesville (OH).

3,000 Meters: 9:08.06 - 9:23.90 by Jordan Hasay of Mission Prep in San Luis Obispo.

3,200 Meters - 9:48.59 - 10:03.07 by Jordan Hasay of Mission Prep.

5,000 Meters: 15:52.88 - 17:03.79 inside by Chelsea Ley of Kingsway in Woolwich Township (NJ).

100-Meter High Hurdles: 12.95 - 13.26 by Jacquelyn Coward of West in Knoxville (TN).

300-Meter Hurdles: 39.98 - 40.96 by Donique Flemings of Saginaw (Texas).

400-Meter Hurdles: 55.20 - 58.96 by Ryann Krais of Methacton in Norristown (PA).

4x100-Meter Relay: 44.50 - 45.17 by Dunbar in Fort Worth (Texas).

4x200-Meter Relay: 1:33.87 - 1:35.94 by Dunbar in Fort Worth (Texas).

4x400-Meter Relay: 3:35.49 - 3:37.16 by Roosevelt in Greenbelt (MD).

4x800-Meter Relay: 8:50.41 - 8:43.12 by Roosevelt in Greenbelt (MD). (New USA Senior High School Record set this season.)

4xMile Relay: 19:56.75 - 20:10.76 by Saugus in La Crescenta (CA). (No. 3 all-time performance).

Distance Medley Relay: 11:33.42 - 11:42.16 by Roxbury in Succasunna (NJ).

High Jump: 6-four to six-.25 by Victoria Lucas in Midland (Texas).

Pole Vault: 14-1.25 - 14- by Rachel Laurent of Vanderbilt Catholic in Houma (LA). (No. 2 all-time artist and a menace to break the united states senior high school record.)

Lengthy Jump: 22-3 - 20-3.5 by Jacinda Evans of Southern in Durham (NC).

Triple Jump: 44-11.75 - 42-8.75 inside by Vashti Thomas of Mt. Enjoyable in San Jose (CA).

Shot Put: 54-10.75 - 52-4 inside by Karen Shump of Penncrest on television (PA).

Discus Throw: 188-4 - 183-11 by Anastasia Jelmini of Shafter (CA).

Hammer Throw: 201-7 - 179- by Victoria Flowers of Classical in Providence (RI).

Javelin Throw: 176-5 - 167-11 by Hannah Carson of Rhodes Junior Senior High School in Mesa (AZ). (New USA senior high school newcomer record.)

(Note: Leaders based on marks verified as wind legal in sprints, hurdles and horizontal jumps. Only fully automatic occasions are listed for sprints and hurdles.)

2008 Boys and Women Highlights So Far:

All the highlights in 2008 have so far been created through the women, brought by Roosevelt High School's new USA senior high school record of 8:43.12 within the 4x800-Meter Relay, smashing the current 8:50.41 record. Roosevelt is situated in Greenbelt (MD). Think as it were about how exactly difficult it might be to locate 4 women on the senior high school track team that may AVERAGE under 2:11 for that 800-meter run.

The second best effort originates from Jordan Hasay of Mission Prep in San Luis Obispo (CA). Hasay has run 4:17.46 for that 1,500 Meter and it has run two races faster in the same distance in 2007. The United States senior high school record for that 1,500 is 4:16.6, under another away.

Will she set a brand new USA senior high school record? The chances agree. She also offers the present best occasions across the country within the 3,000-Meter and three,200-Meter runs too. She needs to function as the premier women senior high school middle distance runner in the united states.

Rachel Laurent of Vanderbilt Catholic Senior High School in Houma (LA) is just 1.25 inches shy of matching the united states senior high school record of 14-ft-1.25 inches within the pole vault. Her best height to date is 14-ft even. Can she set the nation's record? I only say yes, she will.

Be careful for Hannah Carson of Rhodes Junior Senior High School in Mesa (AZ). She's tossed the javelin 167-ft-11-inches to create a brand new USA senior high school newcomer record. The nation's record is 176-ft-5-inches. Wow, she's an amazing opportunity to garner a national record before she graduates from senior high school.

We'll help you stay published around the final 2008 results following the senior high school district and condition meet competitions are held. I'm realizing more new national records from all of these outstanding youthful women.

Copyright © 2008 Erectile dysfunction Bagley

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Exactly what is a BMX?

Hello, and thanks for visiting this short article about BMX's.

A BMX is really a bicycle (bike) with 20" wheels. They are small wheels, and you'll frequently see many children with them. A BMX is extremely easily distinguishable because there's no suspension around the forks or even the rear from the bike, which you will find no gears whatsoever. A BMX is single speed.

The title BMX means Bicycle Motocross, which is like motocross, except it's a lot cheaper, and doesn't need money to become put in it regularly. The foundation of hits title originates from racing the bike, however the BMX continues to be modified since that time, with additional features for example Gyro's, which permit the handle bars to spin a lot more than 360 levels, without any cables getting twisted whatsoever and free coasters, which permit a BMX to visit backwards using the clutch disengaged, so it's not necessary to pedal backwards using the bike.

These adaptations have permitted a brand new type of BMX riding to become developed from racing, freestyle.
The title freestyle type of provides what it's, it's when you are able do anything you seem like, methods, speed, anything you want! Freestyle BMX can be achieved anywhere it can be done on roads, finding obstacles to leap over, at skate parks, using ramps to provide you with enough airtime to drag off stunning methods, or perhaps in forest, with ramps made from grime.

Many of these different factors of BMX happen to be modified through the years, and also have given riders the opportunity to do anything they want. Methods are customisable, and various types of different riders make sure they are look better, or perhaps worse. Methods can be created up and names and you'll even see others tugging them off soon.
In street, you may make your own lines, jumping off a wall, to grinding a kerb, to spinning off a bank things are as you would like so that it is. That you can do anything you want, express yourself in the manner you ride.

Obviously, BMX is definitely an extreme sport, so you ought to be very care full by using it. Safety ought to always be the first concern, when approaching an increase, or perhaps heading lower a hill, you ought to be special care full to not hurt yourself. But stating that, if you wish to get proficient at riding a BMX, crashes are members of the training process. And also the words, "You usually study from your mistakes" and "If in the beginning you do not succeed, try to repeat the processInch come up here, should you disappear attempting to land the first 360, or you can't land bunny hops, keep trying and it'll cause you to a far greater driver. Make certain that you simply enjoy everything that you simply do, and do not scare yourself silly, just push yourself.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Motorcycle Stunt Riding Details and much more

Motorcycle stunt riding is really a growing sport within the Uk and also the U . s . States. However, U . s . States law forbids "stunting" motorcycles on public streets also it can even enable you to get in prison rapidly.

If you are purchasing another-hands motorcycle, see if the bike continues to be stunted. Look for flat spots around the front tire which teaches you the bike has been doing some wheelies as well as look for scratches that could have resulted from the crash. Stunting can trash engines, transmissions and also the suspension, so beware unless of course you want to make use of your bikes in the same manner, like a stunt bike.

Robert Craig Knievel, Junior. is most likely the favourite American motorcycle daredevil. Now regarded as both a symbol along with a legend, he began his career being an performer somewhere within the late sixties. He carried out numerous motorcycle jumps that are public within the entire country. His make an effort to jump the Lizard River Canyon situated at Twin Falls, Idaho in 1974 was one of the most viewed (it ranks # 4) event in ABC's Wide Realm of Sports up to this date. He died this past year, November 30 at 69.

Some Motorcycle Stunts &lifier Drill Teams in america range from the Florida Bike Crew, D-Bullets Stunt Riders Motorcycle Team (Wasau, Wisconsin), TenNinety6 (Kalamazoo, MI) and also the Hardly Angels (a Women's Motorcycle Drill Team).

Bob Duffey, an expert Motorcycle Jumper was named as "The Quickest Guy on Two Wheels Backwards". She has an ET of 11.71 seconds along with a trap speed of 122 miles per hour. The guy is untouched around the dragstrip riding backwards. This record ended on the 1979 stock Kawasaki Z1R-TC, his favorite bike, in an IDBA (Worldwide Drag Bike Association) approved event.

Darlene Evans - The Full of Tests was the very first lady to effectively ride in america Tests throughout the late seventies and it is generally regarded as the very best female driver within the good reputation for the game.

Australian Robbie Maddison now supports the record for that "Longest Motorcycle Jump". He broke it earlier in The month of january this season in an exhibition event backed with a large hotel. He jumped 322 ft, 7 inches (98.34 meters) totally and wound up damaging the Guinness World Record of 277 ft, 6 inches (84.58 meters) occur 2005 by Trigger Gumm.

Possibly probably the most broadly known sport bike motorcycle stunt may be the "wheelie". It's a trick in which the front wheel or wheels come off the floor and also the vehicle is balanced around the rear wheel or wheels.

Other Popular Bike Stunts range from the handstand (The driver does a handstand on the moving motorcycle), the Endo (a stunt which lifts the motorcycle's rear tire off the floor while balancing the bike around the front wheel or wheels while still moving), the Stoppie (preventing a moving motorcycle, therefore the rear wheel is elevated in mid-air as the machine is balanced around the front tire and involves an entire stop), 12 O' Clock Wheelie (a type of wheelie that's upright and also the driver scratches the tail from the motorcycle in the pub), Circle Wheelie (wheelie while driving inside a circular motion), and Combo Wheelie (a wheelie that has multiple driver maneuvers during one wheel).

A complete selection of protective equipment ought to be worn when trying a stunt inside a powerful motorcycle. Some popular brands include Alpinestars, Teknic, Icon, Sidi and Joe Rocket although Arai, Bell, AGV, KBC, Icon, Shoei and Suomy are the popular helmet brands.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Overview of the Mongoose Status 26 Inch Mens Dual Suspension Bike - An Inexpensive But Good Little Jewel

The Mongoose is among Amazon's top selling full suspension bikes with valid reason. The Mongoose is positively dripping with quality components which many people appropriately wouldn't anticipate finding on the bike only at that cost range. These functions incorporate a lightweight aluminum frame, 24 speed Shimano EZ quick shifters, Shimano levers, Suntour crankset, Arrow alloy rims, along with twin disk brakes. These equal to a bicycle which could punch well above the weight thinking about the cost..

What exactly is it prefer to ride? Well, the reply is surprisingly well. At 46 pounds it's no featherweight however it hides the weight well, no worse than other mid-range springers, and from the couple of days of muddy fun I did not especially spot the bulk Less refined as the kind of a Trek or Specialized over bumps, one needs to keep in mind that the whole bike costs about identical to the forks on the premium brand bike - the differential in performance isn't as wide because the cost indicate. As a weekend toy I would not discount it over my hardtail or Specialized - it will what it really states around the container!

As they are there's a tiny bit of set up, certainly a maximum of other brands - certainly some time spent here modifying the brakes and making certain all is within alignment pays returns later. An hour or so at the start had me riding an enjoyable little bike.

So, what's the verdict? Well, of course you are unlikely to determine one of these simple in a professional race, but because a starter bike, or perhaps an periodic lower and dirty bike you will find very couple of bikes only at that cost range that may compete on an amount with this particular. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

White Mountain Dog - The Small Known Giant That Resembles The Dog's Distant Cousin, The Bear!

The White Mountain Dog also called the White Ovtcharka is definitely an ancient breed that for hundreds of years was little-known outdoors the remote regions that it originates, namely the Caucasus which incorporate: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Iran and Poultry. The White Mountain Dog or Ovtcharka (in Russian Ovtcharka means shepherd or sheepdog) is part of the significant number of breed of dog and despite its appellation of sheepdog/shepherd this dog never was a animals herder but instead a protector or protector which matches a lengthy means by explaining it is not inconsiderable size! The White Mountain dog was bred to safeguard animals against baby wolves, bears along with other potential predators actually the White Ovtcharka comes with an uncanny resemblance to some bear!

Considered until fairly lately by many people to become a descendent from the Tibetan Mastiff, up-to-date ancient evidence indicates that it is ancestry came from from ancient dogs that resided within the woodsy hillsides of Iraq and Mesopotamia. It's thought that assorted dog types that supported nomadic tribes that settled within the Caucasus regions, with little intervention and interference from outdoors influences, eventually developed in to the White Mountain Dog.

Up to the nineteen thirties, the White Ovtcharka was little-known outdoors its home range until it began showing up in European dog shows in Germany. Around 1952 the White Mountain Dog was sub-split into two distinct breeds: the Transcaucasian Ovtcharka that is often the heavier-boned, massive dog that originates in the mountainous regions and also the White Ovtcharka, the less heavily built type that arises from the steppe regions.

In 1976 the 2 sub-breeds were consolidated and reclassified as you breed, and nowadays the White Mountain Dog is anticipated to adapt one standard. Be that as it might however, the different sub-breeds can nonetheless be classified regionally in the various areas from the former USSR and nowadays probably the most coveted kind of White Mountain Dog may be the so-known as Georgia sub-breed that is characteristically a thick-covered, heavy-boned, massive dog that many carefully resembles a bear.

The potential for the White Mountain Dog just as much greater than a Animals Protector Dog (LGD) was rapidly recognized through the now defunct Soviet Military and shortly enough this breed of dog was employed both throughout peace and war time as auxiliary military "personnel" inside the expanse from the Ussr. Within the late sixties the White Ovcharka was broadly brought to East Germany particularly for border patrol duty, forefront mostly to patrol the infamous Berlin Wall. Once the Berlin Wall came falling lower in 1989, the by-then, a minimum of 7000-strong unit of White Mountain Dogs used to patrol the Wall's perimeter was disbanded and lots of of individuals dogs found new houses inside the recently emancipated non military population!


This breed of dog was created to protect flocks and animals and therefore includes a strong natural protector/protector trait. Almost as much ast a Border Collie pet dog will often herd its family as an alternative flock of sheep, the White Mountain Dog may have the inclination to become somewhat protective of their immediate family, a characteristic which has apparent benefits but possibly less apparent effects. The White Ovcharka is really a strong-willed (some might say persistent) dog breed that needs a firmer hands for correct socialization and training. The so-known as persistent character of the dog type isn't surprising when one views it's bred over 100s of years of these exact characteristics.

This dog was bred to largely exist separate from humans (aside from its shepherd) and was bred to co-exist using the animals it had been protecting thus the White Mountain breed of dog is naturally cautious about other people whether people or creatures. Not surprisingly, the White Ovtcharka is most active during the night (animals potential predators often search underneath the cover of evening) despite the fact that it might provide the impression that it is large lazy dozing dog, in the smallest hint of burglars the White Mountain Dog will nimbly reach its ft, seem the alarm (woofing) and immediately visit confront the threat!

The White Ovcharka takes the security of their territory (nowadays take into account that the household yard) seriously and can consider any encroachment with a stranger like a threat. Despite its formidable size this dog is indicated through minimal pressure to dissuade any threat. Such minimal pressure may very well take the type of facing the predator and woofing and growling strongly usually that's enough to alter the minds on most burglars because similar to its wild Canid alternatives, this old breed of dog still maintains the mindset that physical (or deadly) pressure ought to be a last measure because it is commonly not a good idea (i.e., injuries either to party).

Worthwhile With Kids?

As formerly noted this breed of dog has a tendency to substitute its immediate family for that animals it had been carefully bred to safeguard quite simply this dog is strongly protective of people of their family. Hence you should realize that this dog could see rambunctious or rough child's play between a relative along with a friend (out of the box the inclination with boys) to become a threat and it is hardwired safeguard-the-flock genetics will immediately start working!

As a result it is vitally important to correctly socialize this breed of dog as well as show your children that simply because they already know "Shaggy" would not hurt them, they ought to realize that exactly the same might not choose their buddies unless of course your dog knows them well (i.e., has recognized them being an extension of their flock). Clearly having a dog this size all activity around young children ought to be supervised, because although the family dog might not intend harm, it is a large dog that throughout the warmth of play may easily forget its formidable strength and size and may accidentally hurt a youthful child!

The Issue Of Apartment Dwelling?

Generally the White Mountain Dog doesn't result in the ideal apartment occupant. Although like the majority of large dogs its degree of energy is sort of low this breed of dog is naturally nocturnal and was bred to alert and warn of, and off burglars. Quite simply your passion for your White Mountain Dog may result in hate out of your neighbors since your White Ovcharka is pushing them crazy using its nightly cacophony (woofing...that is particularly true in case your neighbors are animals from the evening also known as party creatures).

Interaction Along With Other Dogs

From the genetic view point the White Mountain Dog never was bred to become excessively friendly along with other canids whether dogs or baby wolves, because when a flock protector it could have been likely to defend against all potential potential predators which naturally might have incorporated feral dogs. However associated with pension transfer any dog breed timely and proper socialization usually triumphs over any unfriendliness towards other dogs or creatures within this breed!

White Mountain Breed Of Dog Standard

Presently there seem to be conflicting breed standards that could be simply described through the different sub-breeds and also the late acceptance of the breed in to the AKC by this breed of dog doesn't have AKC ranking. Only lately has got the AKC gone to live in formally recognize this breed of dog (May 2007) despite the fact that the White Ovcharka continues to be on record using the FSS (Foundation Stock Services) since 1996. From The month of january of 2008 the White Mountain Dog is going to be permitted to formally compete within the AKC Companion Occasions.

Size Needs:

The next height dimensions are for that mature dog and therefore are measured as much as the shoulder bone.

Height of Males: 25.5 to 30 inches (64cm - 70cm)
Height Women: 24.5 and upwards

Weight of Males: 100lbs + (45kg - 70 kg)
Weight Women: 80lbs + (37kg - upwards)

It ought to be noted however that for that Kavkazskaya Ovcharka Breed (the Georgian White Mountain Dog sub-breed that many carefully resembles a bear) the requisite dimensions differ substantially:

Height of Male: 28.3 - 29.5 inches (72cm - 75cm minimum is 68cm or 26.8 inches)
Female Height: 26. - 27.2 " (66cm - 69cm minimum is 64 centimetres or 25.2 ")

Naturally the load from the Kavkazskaya Ovcharka Breed are usually somewhat heavier which is quite normal for guys to top 180lbs!

The White Mountain Dog falls underneath the group of Working Dogs like a Animals Protector Dog (LGD).

White Mountain Dog

Saturday, April 13, 2013

La Ruta P Los Conquistadores - (The Mobile phone industry's Toughest Mtb Race)


I remember seeing an image in a magazine of a mountain biker. He had suffering in his eyes, was covered in mud and had a bike slung over his shoulder while he walked though chest deep water. For some crazy reason I thought it looked fun and soon it became a desire of my own. Two months before the event date, I found out that I was able to participate in the four-day slugfest as racing media. Before I finished reading the words of the invite my body began to tremble with excitement, but also fear. I enlisted the help of local endurance trainer Val Burke and began preparations for what would become the greatest physical and mental battle I have faced.

The race, or adventure, is called "La Ruta De Los Conquistadores." Translated this means "The Route Of The Conquerors," or more commonly it translates as the toughest mountain bike race in the world. A four-day ride across Costa Rica, it starts on the pacific coast in the bustling little surf town known as Playa Jaco and finishes the final stage on the Caribbean coast in the rural and raw surf side town called Limon. What lies between the start and finish line only the most committed mountain bike racers really know.


As the brochure reads, riders will travel through 8 different microclimates, all flaunting their own distinct characteristics both with natural and man made challenges. The course rises 11,259 feet above sea level through and above volcanic mountain passes. Each successful rider will have completed over 40,000 feet of climbing by the time they reach the last stretch of wet sandy beach and cross the final finish line 225 miles later.

Not in the brochure, and only to be experienced on the saddle, are the miles of knee-deep mud often clad to steep and loose rock infested pitches, many knee to chest deep river crossing, temperature variations ranging from 32 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a consistent range of weather from sun to all-out hail. It is the tail end of the rainy season in Costa Rica, so the course is prepped for disaster.

Weather aside, riders also experience exhaust fumes from media and support vehicles (which like to double as pace cars for everyone not in their favor). The mental anguish of watching local riders with a home field advantage, misinformation or lost in translation directions and distances can only be taken loosely when received by some locals. Learning halfway through the race that Tico Time is extremely modest compared to the real world. All ingredients add up for the challenge of a lifetime.

When you actually do beat the odds and find that day's finish line, you still have to deal with the other 800 racers, media and staff. A logistical nightmare for organizers and even worse for anyone who just rode 50 miles through the worst conditions they have ever experienced. To ride this complete race it is more than just riding your bike for 5-8 hours a day, it's a 20-hour daily test of mental stability. Battling for breakfast, battling the environment on your bike, battling for a seat on a shuttle bus to do battle with the chaotic streets of San Jose. Only the physically and mentally strong will survive.


Before I could begin to enjoy that I was about to experience one of the greatest races on 26-inch wheels in beautiful Central America, I started to panic. I quickly realized that I am a small girl with a DH background mixed with just a modest amount of cross-country riding. I have never raced any serious XC before, just our smaller local races and with that realization many questions began to run through my head. Could I even complete an endurance race of this nature? Isn't it only the world's finest athletes who can fight through such an amazing 4-day race? Could I be stronger than all the big muscular guys walking around in their spandex team kits, who tell me they have been training for years to do this race? Is my bike going to survive through the mud, rain, sand and rocks? Finally and most importantly, can my mind hold up to the journey? These and many questions would all be worked out over my 2-week long experience in Costa Rica.

On October 29, 2007 I boarded a plane (3 to be exact) to Costa Rica. With a fresh new Team Element from Rocky Mountain Bicycles and a credit card soiled in debt from last minute race preparation. The plan was to spend 1 week in southern Costa Rica in a small town called Dominical. The idea was to acclimatize to the heat, adjust to the local cuisine, relax in the surf and most of all mentally prepare for the race. After talking to a few locals who seemed to enjoy questioning my abilities with comments like "only big men can do that race," my planned relaxation quickly turned into fighting off negative energy. Many questions were planted in my already exhausted mind.


Once I arrived at the Best Western in Jaco, I quickly realized that this was a bigger deal than I had imagined. The large beachside resort was taken over by riders and event staff. The energy was alive and on the verge of running amuck. I was slightly relieved to discover I was not the only one battling the pre-race jitters. You could sense the nervousness in some and false confidence in others. It seemed everyone, even the top pros, were putting their feelers out, trying gage just where they fit in. I was no different and again found myself struggling to stay focused on the next day.

DAY ONE - Distance: 59 miles; Climate: Tropical Rain Forest, Sub-Tropical Rain Forest and Tropical Dry Forest.

On the first day we had to get up early, about 4am. The race started in front of the hotel in the dark. With all the last minute preparations, double-checking repair supplies, food, drink, and just dealing with the stress of my first big race I arrived at the start line almost last. I was extremely anxious about the first 1 1/2 hours of climbing and after a quick sprint to make up for my bad start position I knew I had to pace myself. I took it easy, I stopped at every checkpoint to relax and load up with a LUNA bar and the provided fresh fruit. While doing so I realized not many people were doing this and all the people I suffered to pass on the uphill, were now passing me while I ate.

Lessons were learned quickly. The others were smarter and likely more experienced than me. Most ate their food while riding and as a result didn't loose much time. Me, a rookie, adjusted though the day and began to eat and ride as the day went on. We went to hell (almost) that day, crossing muddy creeks deep enough to rinse my bike and body. I thought it would be a onetime thing but it became routine to clean out my derailleur and chain every time I crossed a creek. On-course bike maintenance would be a key component in the mud-themed race. I would end up spending close to 2 hours washing in creek crossings on day one. Throw in a few hike-a-bikes and we were off to a great start!

After exiting the forests we were led to the asphalt. Up, up and more up, a steep winding road ride accompanied with the extreme 12am sun pushing in to our eyes. La Ruta is coast to coast and all roads and trails are open to the public during the race; the locals live their lives and vehicle traffic continues as if no race is present. On the big road climb the local municipality decided to add some spice. Towards the top of the climb a road crew was laying fresh, sticky and steamy asphalt for what seemed like miles. We got first tracks through it. It was as if we were riding in molasses. Curses ensued, but nothing could be done except suck it up (literally with the fumes) and keep riding.

"Home field" advantage got a little annoying after a while: The Tico's (and other high profile teams) had support motorcycles and cars ferrying drinks and food to them on any section they could access by vehicle - the other riders got to suck in the fumes of their motorized vehicles while struggle with our own loads of supplies on our backs. Luckily for me, the kind folks at Garmin supplied me with a GPS. Little things like the GPS helped keep my mind off the exhaust fumes and observing some riders flex the rules. I was able to check how much ground I had covered but also just how much I had to go. Most importantly, I knew when I could start dreaming about the finish line.

If only I took the time to covert miles to the locally used kilometers. When I thought we were close to being done we still had a 15miles to go. The rider beside me didn't find it funny when I said, "we're almost done, less than 10km to go!" He gave me an unimpressed look and said, "are you kidding me, we have at least 2 hours"...oops. That was a rough one. I thought it was close to over and I didn't bother getting water at the last checkpoint. I managed to get to the end, exhausted, but so stoked to have finish the first day.

I knew lots of people wouldn't finish that day. I did it and I was the 15th lady to cross the finish line. I knew I could to better because I had taken it relatively easy most of the day. I realized I had paced myself too slowly and took a few too many breaks. It was my first day doing anything like this and I quickly learned my little 5' 5" body was capable of more. Some racers didn't have it as easy and unfortunately made a wrong turn near the end and followed signs from previous races. Instead of doing a section of the steady road climb they had to push a bike for an hour, a tough break for some and conversations of what could have been, ensued by mentally broken down riders.

DAY TWO - Distance: 46 miles; Climate: Sub-Tropical Rain Forest, Template

Another early start, it was starting to feel like the army. My body felt like it had gone to war. Quickly, I prepared all my gear and proceed to join the rest of the soldiers in line for the breakfast buffet. In the end I would settle with just one banana. My stomach had no desire to eat mess hall type foods this early. Instead I jumped in line for the first shuttle to get to the start line. Every day after you finish your bike is taken by a hired hand, a quick conversation ensues about what is wrong and local mechanics repair your bike. I hoped that my Spanish/French/English slang worked the day before and my bike would be in working order. I sorted through hundreds of bikes and found mine as good as new! Although they spoke very little English, the mechanics were great.

This was the 15th anniversary of La Ruta and to celebrate the organizers added an extra day - 'day two' to the original 3-day format. An extra 46 miles of hell! It all started with some beautiful views while ascending and descending valleys. Life was good! I met a few riders from my hometown and finally I could talk to someone. It was our first time doing the race and conversation proved a pleasant time killer.

Cruising through rural countryside towns, people were out on their balconies and in the streets. To my surprise I found myself alone with no other riders around. I have a history of getting lost at our local races in Whistler, so I knew I had to be careful. I had the feeling I missed a turn so I stopped and asked if any bikers had been though. My Spanish and their Spanish didn't quite make a match. In return I received a big smile. I carried on at a slower pace until another rider caught up and confirmed I was going in the right direction.

Aside from feeling lost I was having a really good day. It was fun. A Costa Rican girl started racing against me and she was riding with someone that looked like it could have been her coach. He kept screaming or encouraging her to go faster. So we raced with each other until we came upon a big downhill, in the mud! I knew it was my time. I imagined I was on my downhill bike and just went for it. I started charging the downhill and hoped for the best. I passed few people struggling to stay aboard in the loose and greasy conditions. I also left my Costa Rican counterpart far behind.

I looked at my GPS and I had 5 miles to go! In what would become a daily routine, water started falling from my eyes. The realization that I would soon finish the second day created many emotions. As the tears collected a hard right approached. And then it began, 5 miles of a wild, steep, knee-deep mud ascent. I have never seen anything like it and I couldn't even push up it, nor could my exhausted body lift my mud-cloaked bike over my shoulder. Sliding backwards with my bike and then falling over, it continued for what seemed an eternity. Near the top a nice guy helped a few of us get over that last steep pitch.

It wasn't over though. We now had to negotiate a narrow singletrack alongside steep drop-offs. The trail was muddy, muddy and even muddier. Struggling to hold on like I never have I asked one Costa Rican, "How long till the end?" He said "5 minutes to the finish line!" I asked another and he said "40 minutes." Were they kidding me? It was very difficult, even for me who loves to ride in the mud. I was physically and mentally drained and unable to get a straight answer. I began questioning the sanity of the organizers; did they do this on purpose? Do they even ride bikes? Are they crazy?

I was so tired; I couldn't believe I managed to lift my light 24 pounds bike over my shoulder. Eventually I got to the end. On arrival I remember seeing a cleaned up Andreas Hestler at the finish line. I looked at him with a distraught face and struggled with my words while trying express my displeasure with being misinformed and questioning the last legs sanity. He agreed and it took a little edge off my mental state.

As it would turn out the last 5 miles would be the most talked about highlight (or lowlight - depending on how you looked at it) of the race. A real test for the Conquistadores! I was happy to finish 11th. I was getting better, faster and my previous days lessons in pacing and food consumption were paying off.

DAY THREE - Distance: 41.4 miles; Climate: Cloud Forest and Rain Forest, Wind and Rain, Drastic Climatic Changes

I knew the third would be my glory day. All we had to do is climb 22 miles up and then descend for another 22 miles. I started with a slow pace since we were in the unpredictable streets of San Jose and road riding just isn't my thing. As soon as we got on dirt I proceeded to get on the move. I started passing groups of people and for the first time during the race people started encouraging me with comments like; "go girl" and "go get them, you are strong!" I suddenly felt like a star. With my new fuel I took off and enjoyed every minute of the ride and the fresh scents of the vegetation lining the roads.

I enjoyed the ride until we neared the top. It started raining and most people stopped to put on their rain gear. I knew the climb was soon over and that I would soon be killing it on the downhill. I chose to warm up with a peanut butter sandwich, thinking I could do a 22 mile descent in 30 minutes. I was wrong, so wrong, it was a cold 3 hour downhill.

As we started descending everybody warned me to slow down. We were in the clouds and we could barely see a foot in front of us. It was very slippery and haling. I kept telling them "It is ok, I am a DH girl. I am fine." It was very sketchy to pass people but I was having a great time. The temperature was just above freezing, it was raining and just under 10,000 meters in altitude and I was frozen. I only had my sleeveless jersey on and my fingers were going numb. Out of nowhere I crashed on a slippery rock, which broke my IPod, scared my knee and broke my front brake. Oops!

I knew I was in trouble so I decided to back off on racing down the mountain, favoring making it to the finish line. As I took it easy with only a rear brake, slicing between horses, dogs and cows became a real challenge. One rider was not as lucky when a support vehicle had cut off his line. He ended up hitting the vehicle while his brother was sent directly into a cow. Both were taken away in the back of an ambulance.

I managed to finish 9th at the end of the day. I was a little muddy and I don't think anybody could tell if I was a girl or boy when I crossed the finish line. A local ran over to me and to my surprise proceeded to pour a few liters of water over my head. Rinsing my face clean, I could barely breath but it was welcome and funny.

DAY FOUR - Distance: 77 miles; Climate: Sub-Tropical Rain Forest, Montano Rain Forest and Tropical Forest

The fourth day was highly anticipated. Talks of endless train tracks, riding on beaches, walking through the ocean and a long, flat road ride were on everyone's mind. So was the finish line, the last finish line.

The night before I stayed in a higher than usual level of accommodation. I was setup at a very nice Bed and Breakfast. In the middle of the rolling mountains stood the Swiss style chalet. I was staying with all the media and race leaders. It was a little out of the way but such a great way to spend the night before the race ended. Unfortunately, we still had to get up at 5am so we couldn't take full advantage of the location.

As we waited for the shuttle it poured rain and morale was low. Seasoned pro's struggled with motivation while many of us wondered if the bus would ever show. The driver was running on Tico Time and as a result most of the top group was late for the last stage. Luckily, they delayed the start and everyone set off for the final ride, many with a relieved smile. You could sense many were anticipating the last day of suffering.

I was starting to feel a cold coming on and began drinking straight oregano oil (not the tastiest). With such a rush to make the start I forgot to check if my previous days bike problems were fixed. Thank goodness, I again had a front brake for what would prove to be one of the toughest tests on my will and determination.

The 77 mile day started reasonably well. I was a little under the weather but was still feeling strong. My first test arrived at the 5 mile mark of the stage. My SPD cleat unscrewed itself from my shoe. I thought it was the end and I would have to pull out of the race. I continued to ask myself "How am I going to ride 70 miles with only one cleat? Especially on this long and boring road." As silly as I am I started asking everybody on the way if they had an extra cleat in their bag, as if they would!

I think I wanted the world to know I was going struggle for the next 7 hours and that I wouldn't be at my best. After 2 hours of riding I saw my boyfriend for the first time that day. He, a photojournalist was always following the leaders so when I saw him on course I was so happy! But all I could say (or scream) as he tried to get a picture of me was, "I lost my cleat! Can you get me one?" Of course in the middle of nowhere there wasn't a chance he would find one.

I refused to stop and find an alternate solution, I didn't want to loose anymore time since I already had to stop to fix my lost Camelback nozzle as well as contend with a lost sunglass lens. I looked and felt like a warrior. I kept going and tried to be positive. I'd come too far and suffered too greatly to let any of this spoil my day, or this race.

My sanity was on the verge of entering into unknown waters. As we were going downhill, I saw an option for a possible jump. Having been plagued by a long flat ride I decided to go straight for it and jumped it. Oh god! I think I gave a good show to my fellow rider with an accidental one-footed air (stupid cleat). He even looked at me and said. "You are crazy! I didn't think you were going to land that."

The boredom of the flats would be sidelined and replaced with fear for the next mile. The infamous train tracks approached, which meant 5 miles of bouncing around on a 3-inch travel bike, mixed with frequent trestles (train bridges) to get the heart near failure. I almost quit at that point, truly believing they wanted to kill us. We had to cross many large rivers and after seeing the giant alligators in other rivers in Costa Rica, I could not shake the notion that they were waiting in the brown waters below. The other problem with those bridges is they were not consistent. They are spaced with square planks of wood, some so wide that we had to put our bikes over our shoulder and jump from plank to plank, on the already greasy and rain soaked wood.

Was I worried? Yes! And to make us even more uncomfortable locals watched us like zoo animals as we danced to avoid near death. Maybe they weren't, but at that point, mixed with exhaustion, my mind tended to draw the worst conclusions. Again, I had tears in my eyes but knew I was close to the end with only about ten more bridges to deal with. I fought on and refused to quit. I knew I could get through this.

When I made it back to the road, I was happy to meet up with my friends from home. Having done the Trans Rockies I knew they were experienced with multi-day bike races. If I could stick with them I would be in good shape. They let me in to their pack for the last 40 miles of road. As we passed potato fields the local pickers cheered for us. The extra bit of encouragement was welcomed as we approached more train tracks. I was so close to the end but all I could think about was if I flatted now it would be over. I've never flatted or changed a tubeless tire and if I did there could I have mustered the strength to peel the tire off the rim? With every bump of the track I prayed, "please no flat. Please no flat."

I lost my friends in the last 5 miles. Now on my own, I found myself riding in the sand and flooded in neck-deep water alongside the ocean. The sounds of the Caribbean were in the air and I knew I was close. The sounds of crashing waves and music pleased my ears and heart. Emotions poured through me and I knew I was going to make it to the end. The last left was ahead and I prayed my boyfriend would be waiting with a Pina Colada. I pedaled towards the ocean, down a small ramp over some stairs and I was riding the last 60 feet on the beach, in Limon, to the last finish line. A gallery of locals and supporters lined the sprint. I crossed and it was over.

I was given a medal and found my boyfriend waiting, with no Pina Colada. I'm not even sure if I said hi to him. I just yelled, "I'm finished!" And dumped my bike and ran into the Sea with my spandex, gloves and single cleat shoes on. I could feel the ambiance. People were so proud of their achievements.


I am done and I have accomplished the hardest mountain bike race in the world. I am so happy and it has made me a stronger person. With everything else I do, nothing will quiet compare to what I went through. I can't count the amount of times I had to tell myself "keep going it could be worse" or the wonderful memories of school children lining the streets cheering for a complete stranger. I find life so much more satisfying and for every new challenge I face, I remind myself of those 4 days in Costa Rica. Nothing compares when you know that you don't have 225 miles to ride in the next 4 days.

I still have moments, months after the race, when the energy returns and the feelings resurface. My heart begins to beat faster and tears fill my eyes and fall down my cheeks. I am so grateful I was able to participate in and complete La Ruta De Los Conquistadores. It is something I will always reflect on in my life. I am so proud of me.

I finished 9th overall in the female category!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mongoose XR-75 Bikes

The Mongoose XR-75 is definitely an affordable light-weight, durable mtb for grown ups and kids. The bikes are generally 24" or 26" frames. The bikes are created for boys, women, ladies and males. They all are built the same way and you will probably find similar features. You'll find Mongoose bikes at the local discount mall or will find online in an affordable cost.

For the children, the Mongoose XR-75 24" is available in the colour of orange or electric eco-friendly for boys and pink for women. It's a great bike for children simply because they prefer to ride everywhere whether riding on smooth ground, on bumpy ground or higher grime pathways. This bike are designed for nearly any terrain. The twin-suspension frame helps make the bike durable and effective. It's lightweight which makes it simpler to move and manage it. You will find 21-speeds to change finished a rear derailleur. The bike is outfitted with linear pull brakes and it has alloy, lightweight rims.

For that grown ups, the Mongoose XR-75 26" can be obtained for males and ladies. It's a dual-suspension mtb supplying ultimate shifting efficiency. For reliable preventing energy, the bike is outfitted with linear pull brakes. The chair can be simply modified using the quick release publish. The bike is fully loaded and outfitted having a 21-speed SRAM MRX/Shimano.

The Mongoose XR-75 bikes are one that is durable and comfy. The twin-suspension, aluminum frame will maximize comfort and keep its performance. When ordering the bikes with the mail, it may need set up. If bought in a store, it ought to be put together and could require slight changes.

The Mongoose XR-75 is definitely an affordable, attractive searching mtb. You can buy whether 24" or 26" for approximately 0 - 0. If you do not find what you're searching for at the shop, you can find it on the internet either to be shipped to your house or shipped to the nearest shopping center.

The majority of the Mongoose XR-75 reviews were positive. Individuals who purchased the bikes online to become shipped towards the store for pick-up stated these were completely satisfied and located the shop had already come up with their bike upon arriving for pick-up. Others talked concerning the bike's performance and just how it exceeded their anticipation including being comfortable while riding.

The bike's consumer rankings are fantastic. The bike met the consumer's anticipation and were pleased with the truly amazing value for individuals customers who bought a Mongoose. People felt the performance from the bike was ideal for the worth. The customer rankings ranged from three-5 stars. Most reviews mentioned the bike rides well and it is comfortable.

Regardless if you are a novice driver or perhaps an experienced driver, the Mongoose provides many wonderful features that individuals search for in bikes staying at an inexpensive cost. They're one that is durable, comfortable making to last. If you're not picky and don't worry about the possible lack of color options, then it's a bicycle to think about.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bicycle Drivetrain Guide

Your bicycle's drivetrain is composed of all the parts that energy the bicycle making it go. Bike pedals slowly move the cranks, which turn the underside bracket and also the chainrings, which drive the chain that spins the trunk sprockets, turning the trunk hub, which moves the wheel and propels the bicycle forward. The crisp movement of those parts and the opportunity to minimize effort while making the most of speed may be the heart of cycling. It is crucial that drivetrain be clean, true and well-maintained to be able to more fully enjoy riding your bike. When one of these simple parts will get from whack, the relaxation soon follow.

It's also vital that you get individual components which are compatible inside the system (e.g. typically Campagnolo and Shimano parts aren't inter-compatible). Many occasions the main difference between 9- and 10-speed parts is sufficient to make sure they are incompatible too. The collective term for an entire bike drivetrain package is "group" or "gruppo." Multi-speed drivetrains are sorted by the amount of cogs within the rear cassette. An up to date 10-speed bicycle might have as much as 30 "possible gears," with 10 within the rear and three right in front, but nonetheless possess a 10-speed drivetrain.

Your bike pedals are the energy link with your bicycle. While you pump your legs and switch your ft, you make the cranks to show. Proper pedal option is essential for comfort, control and safety around the bike. Many leisure and enthusiast bike riders like the adaptability that platform pedals offer. They permit you to ride in any kind of shoe and provide a feeling of security to some novice driver who's careful of securing the ft into clipless pedals. Many platform pedals could be modified having a foot cage to provide additional control and energy while retaining a feeling of security connected with platforms.

Racers and much more advanced riders frequently prefer "clipless" pedals. These pedals are utilized along with matching cleats that are affixed to special footwear. The cleats lock into position within the pedal, offering a safe and secure attachment of driver to bicycle. Most cleats easily release the shoe with a simple twist from the ankle, and they're quite simple to use with a few initial practice.

The cranks connect the pedals towards the bottom bracket and contain the front chainrings. They connect with the axis around which your ft spin and transmit your energy towards the bike. Cranksets come in several measures based on bicycle frame size and also the rider's leg length. They can be constructed of aluminum, however, many low-finish cranks are constructed with steel, plus some high-finish cranks are constructed with carbon fibre. These cranksets are promoted to top-level racers and usually carry the right cost. Cranks affix to the bicycle at the end bracket. You will find several kinds of cranks/bottom bracket connects, and you should know their variations.

Chainrings would be the forward chain interface using the bicycle. They contain teeth that contain the chain and drive it forward. Chainrings come in an array of dimensions, recognized by the amount of teeth and application. Typical bikes use three chainrings road bikes have 2 to 3. Single-speed and glued-gear bicycles only use one chainring. Chainrings are usually made from aluminum, with a few being made from steel and a number of boutique brands which makes them from carbon fibre.

Why is a proper chainring depends upon many factors: quantity of teeth, single/double/triple configuration, 8/9/10/11 speed use and bolt circle diameter. Once all individuals factors happen to be determined, you are able to pick the group level or brand that most closely fits your requirements.

Bottom bracket
The underside bracket may be the cranks' interface using the bike. It consists of bearings around which an axle rotates this axle is attached to the cranks. Current bottom brackets are available in different interface types. Traditional bottom brackets have loose ballbearings using their associated cups and cones as well as an axle kept in place with locknuts, typically around the left side from the BB spend. Newer cartridge bottom brackets are made as you piece with cartridge bearings press-fit to the axle and squeeze into the frame with "cups" that thread into opposite sides from the spend.

Many bike parts companies have most lately been developing bottom brackets with no axle. The axle is made in to the cranks and runs through bearings which are press-squeeze into cups that thread in to the bottom bracket spend. Another finish from the axle then attaches towards the opposite crankarm. Different brands have different bearing dimensions and just use their particular cranks.

Bottom brackets come in several connects produced by the various component producers. Cup and cone BBs are usually "square taper." Cartridge bottom brackets are among two versions of square taper (Worldwide Standard or Japanese Standard) or one of the numerous versions of splined BB produced by the number of companies.

Another essential facet of bottom bracket compatibility is whether or not your bicycle comes with an Italian or British threaded bottom bracket. The spend diameter of the Italian bottom bracket is bigger, threaded 36 mm x 24 tpi, and it is threads are generally normal (or right-handed). British bottom brackets are threaded 1.370-inch x 24tpi, using the right cup getting a reverse thread and also the left cup getting a normal thread.

The chain connects the chainring towards the rear sprocket, transmitting energy in the driver towards the rear wheel. Current bicycles use curler chains (with couple of exceptions) which are categorized by pitch and width. The chain's pitch may be the distance from curler to curler and it is typically 1/2 inch on modern bicycles. The width is measured between chain plates and it is either 1/8 inch for derailleur-less bikes and threeOr32 inch for multi-speed, derailed bikes.

Another specs of the bicycle chain is dependant on outer width: the outdoors distance between chain-link plates. You will find two primary standards: Campagnolo and Shimano. Shimano uses exactly the same width chain for those drive trains with eight or less gears within the rear cassette or freewheel along with a different width each because of its 9- and 10-speed groups. Campagnolo uses three sizes presently: 9, 10 and 11. As the amount of sprockets within the rear increase, the width from the chain must decrease, supplying enough clearance for that extra gears. Others manufacture chains that can use the Cheesy and Shimano systems.

On multi-speed bicycles, the derailleur moves the chain in one sprocket to a different. They're actuated with a cable drawn in the shifters, typically mounted to the handle bars (and often lower tubes) from the bicycle.

Front derailleur
The leading derailleur moves the chain from chainring to chainring and functions like a chain guide, keeping the chain aligned. You will find several chainring qualities to think about when looking for a front derailleur. The most crucial is exponentially increase (whether you will find 2 or 3 chainrings connected to the crank). A triple front derailleur was created having a much deeper inner cage than the usual double derailleur to have the ability to push the chain up in the small ring.

Another key characteristic is chainring size. Certain derailleurs' cage diameters limit the utmost quantity of teeth possible around the large ring. The ultimate characteristic is 8/9/10-speed compatibility. The width between your inner and outer cage varies between designs and could not work nicely when combined with the incorrect gearing.

Rear derailleur The trunk derailleur functions like a chain guide and chain tensioner. Because the chain moves from the large sprocket to some more compact one, it requires less chain to pay for the circumference. The trunk derailleur includes a spring mechanism that attracts for the reason that extra period of chain, referred to as "chain wrap." The trunk derailleur also moves the chain from cog to cog and is among the more active aspects of the bicycle. While you pedal and drive the chain round the chainrings and rear sprockets, the chain continuously runs with the rear derailleur.

Rear derailleurs are sorted very much the same as front derailleurs--first by speed: 8/9/10, then by exponentially increase (it's really the main difference between your biggest and littlest chainring put into the main difference involving the biggest and littlest cog). Typically, having a double chainring use a short cage with a triple you'd require a lengthy cage. The more cage helps occupy the additional slack that seems much more the little ring.

Rear sprocket
The trunk sprocket may be the chain's rear interface using the bicycle. On one speed (fixed gear incorporated) you simply play one rear sprocket, or cog. Multi-speed bikes possess a cluster of cogs known as "cassettes" or "freewheels."

A freewheel is several cogs fixed to some "freewheel" mechanism that enables you to definitely coast there's a ratcheting mechanism that enables the trunk hub to spin while you coast, or ride without pedaling. A bicycle cassette is made to be utilized having a rear hub outfitted having a freewheel mechanism that you attach the cogs.

Typical freewheels are available in 5- to 7-speed versions, and cassettes are 8/9/10/11-speed, with couple of exceptions. Cassette cogs are created to be placed in a specific orientation to assist in shifting any variation of the orientation may cause serious shifting and issues of safety. Cassettes are created to be combined with the right chain, and also the wrong chain will not ride around the teeth correctly, producing a inadequate and annoying ride.

Rear hub
The trunk sprocket is connected to the hub directly (within the situation of the fixed gear), or using a freewheel mechanism. The energy in the front chainring is sent through the chain towards the rear sprocket and in to the rear hub, the central reason for the trunk wheel. The 2 primary qualities of the rear hub are hub type (cassette, freewheel or fixed) and hub spacing (the width from axle finish to axle finish). Modern road bikes are spread to 130mm, bikes to 135mm and track bikes to 120mm. Older bicycles were spread to 126mm. These were typically created for use with freewheel-type rear modems that transported less gears.

Using the creation of the freewheel hub and much more gears, the trunk dropout spacing was elevated to support. Another factor to think about when selecting a hub (if it's already built included in one of the wheels) may be the wheel diameter. The rim should be the right size to suit in to the frame and fall into line using the brake pads.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold) from Mongoose

Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold)
List Price : $259.99

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Understand That When You Have Tried Our Latest Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold), You'll Be Surprised

In case you have never used our Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold) before, there's in no way been an easier period compared to today to treat oneself. Even if you could have utilized related items before, there's not ever been one that will be as brimming with additional features as this our most recent model. Even if you already have an item, our most recent type is way finer quality than all that Mongoose has ever made before.

We have now invested the last several years checking the response to numerous buyer studies to see what some of our buyers would like in the Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold). Only following our research team looked at the outcome of all of this accumulated data would they head to work completely redesigning our product. Rather than merely taking the version we've been offering and incorporating a small number of new features, we investigated meticulously at what you liked about it and dropped what's left aside.

Working with this the Mongoose research team began from here and feel that what they've produced may just be the greatest Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold) we've designed. Not merely is our product designed to peak criteria of level of quality, but because of the feedback from our customers, we think that every one of the options we've built into this completely new product will certainly leave you wanting to know where this product has been all your life. We firmly believe that once you test it, you will realise precisely why our most up-to-date model is selling as fast as we are able to create them.

Click here to see our Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold) full review & cheap price

Mongoose Metric Dual-Suspension Mountain Bike (24-Inch Wheels, Gold)

The Mongoose Metric Dual-suspension mountain bike smooths out your ride with a full suspension frame and keeps you in control with front and rear alloy V-brakes. It's easy to change through the 21 gears with a Shimano shifters and a SRAM drivetrain.


  • Mongoose Aluminum Dual Suspension Frame w/ Cross Country Suspension Fork
  • 21-Speed SRAM MRX / Shimano TZ RD shift system
  • Alloy Forged 3-piece Crank set
  • Alloy Linear Pull Brakes & Levers
  • 36 Spoke Black Anodized Alloy Rims